this post i share from a stunning blog The simply Luxurious Life
i am a fan of Sex and the City!! but i always wish to have the skills of expersssing my feelings and thoughts of shothing i love by words
so here is the job is done for me !!
Fashion Lessons
1. Know your signature style. Each woman had their own style. Charlotte – a very classic and uptown girl, Miranda – quite professional, yet with a bit of a twist, Miranda – trendy, costume jewelry and colorful, and Carrie’s – unique, but a clear understanding of how to mix trends with classics and was comfortable taking risks that worked with her figure.
2. Have fun with fashion. Patricia Field, the head-stylist for Sex and the City, quickly acquired, due to the growing success of the show, all sorts of designer wares to choose from. Having so many choices, she was able to play and dive into what fashion is all about – self-expression. As mentioned in #1, each character had a signature style, but she stretched it ever-so-slightly each season. Fashion should be fun, as it is an extension of who we are, but at the same time, it is just fabric and you can wear something different tomorrow.
3. Mix and match. In the first movie, Carrie wears a black studded belt that Patricia Fields shares was a vintage find. Carrie wears it so many different times in the movie that she allegedly named it ‘Roger’. Paired with dresses and coats, this simple item is the perfect example of mixing high items with low items, new and old items, and feminine items with masculine items. In other words, mix it up.
4. Accentuate your strengths. Charlotte had the classic pear shaped figure, and she styled her curves sublimely. There were many outfits that Carrie wore that had Charlotte worn the exact same thing, it would not have been flattering. However, Charlotte owned what she had, and I have to say, her classic style always impressed.
5. The thirties and beyond can be even better. The ladies in SATC demonstrated that beauty and better quality of life can in fact increase as we age. By taking care of ourselves, respecting our bodies and skin, we grow into the beauty and potential that is possible if we treat ourselves well.
6. Play with trends, but don’t let them define your style. Each season runway trends were seen in Carrie’s wardrobe, but she never fell prey to wearing them exactly as they appeared on the runway. Patricia Fields always played them up or down with accessories, layers, or a unique up-do, but never did the trend overshadow the woman.

Life Lessons
1. Don’t live to please or find a man. Each of the four women were loved by the audience because they were unique individuals. More than likely you can relate in some way to at least one of these characters (Carrie’s emotions, Miranda’s determination, Charlotte’s romanticism, Samantha’s risk-taking gumption). But the lesson throughout the entire series and throughout the movies is that they didn’t lose their sense of self even when they were involved with men.
Always keep the hobbies you love, the friends you cherish and the dreams you still long for alive because if a man simply wants a puzzle piece, he’s not going to truly love you for how special you really are. Let them get to know you, gradually, but truthfully, and eventually, you will find someone who you adore for who they are (quirks and all), and visa versa. Live for your dreams and the woman you is continually growing and evolving.
2. Nurture and be appreciative of your female friendships. The series, at its core, was one about the relationships between these four women. Without their chemistry, loyalty (and the paycheck to keep them on the set), there would be a huge chasm. Their bond gave them strength, a boost during the tough times that life inevitably will throw at us all at one time or another and someone who allowed them each to be who they were honestly and authentically.
3. Let go of those who don’t want to be in your life or respect who you really are. A la Aleksandr Petrovsky.
4. Financially, be able to take care of yourself. While Carrie’s ability to shop on the budget of a freelance writer was a bit of a fantasy, the one thing all four of the women had were careers. Each woman was able to take care of themselves financially. Follow their lead.
5. We can plan, but that doesn’t mean it will go as planned. Miranda’s rigid boundaries nearly prevented the relationship with Steve and an eventual move to Brooklyn, but when both occurred, her life unfolded in beautiful ways she hadn’t imagined. While we must always plan, we must also be willing to swerve a bit along the way.
6. Embrace your singleness
"The most exciting, challenging, and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself," she said. "And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." – Carrie Bradshaw
7. Know when to hang on to the right man. While the movies where a bit fairy-taleish, they both demonstrated that as we get older, relationships only become more emotionally involved because we are no longer dating wildly inappropriate people. We do begin to make better decisions, as long as we are conscious about the mistakes we have made in the past. But there will come a time when we find someone who is perfect for us (if indeed that is what we’re looking for), someone who makes life all the more full. Because wherever you are together, it’s home, and that is beautiful.
8. Choose yourself
“It wasn’t about . . . choosing a man or choosing a bag or choosing a life. It was about, choose yourself.” -Michael Patrick King
As the promotion for the second film was making its rounds, the writer of the script and series, Michael Patrick King, shared this statement with Elle, and I have been convinced that self-respect breeds self-confidence breeds the life of our dreams, whether it goes according to plan or not.
Well, those are a handful of the many lessons Sex and the City taught me. I’d love to hear what lessons you have incorporated into your life as a fan of the series and the movies. And since there won’t be any more premieres of this beloved show, here’s to writing and starring in our very own fabulously stylish and uniquely lived lives every single day
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